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Aliff Acres Fall 2024 Veggie CSA

Season ends Dec 13 · 7 weeks remaining
Payment plan:
Pickup or delivery?

Frequently asked questions

By signing up for a CSA membership, you agree to our membership terms & conditions:

  • Pick up the CSA box/basket at the agreed upon location and time. If basket is not picked up within the stated time or prior arrangements have not been made, I understand that week’s basket will be forfeited, contents donated, AND THE ONE WEEK DEPOSIT WILL BE KEPT BY ALIFF ACRES.
  • Aliff Acres will allow, during the contracted period a vacation to “skip” a week and to continue when the member returns if given 4 days’ notice. Any other times of “skipping” can be arranged, just contact us.
  • I understand that I can arrange for others to pick up my basket in my absence with prior notification to Aliff Acres.
  • I understand that Aliff Acres will be closed on holidays and I will be given sufficient notice as to when these will occur. If for any reason, such as holidays, inclement weather, family emergencies, etc., Aliff Acres cannot fulfill the weekly basket order, I will be notified as soon as possible. At this occurrence, Aliff Acres will provide additional items to me the following week or will just add one week on to my subscription.
  • I understand that the variety of items in each basket depend on growing conditions and availability. If I decide to cancel this contract, I understand that I must finish out the current billing month and that I will be responsible for 2 weeks will be owed to Aliff Acres as a cancellation fee.
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