
Five Belles Farm Honey



Honey bees play an important role in our food system by providing essential pollination services for both food and forage crops. We decided to build an apiary at our farm to support the local ecosystem through increased pollination and biodiversity. The resulting honey is just an extra bonus. In Vermont there are approximately 700 registered beekeepers, 1,200 apiaries, and 16,500 colonies. Our apiary is registered with the State of Vermont (license number 5861). Before we even think about harvesting honey, we invest time in supporting the bees in building their hive. We regularly inspect the hives and taken appropriate action to protect the hive from disease or other threats. Before harvest, we ensure the bees have sufficient honey in their “pantry” to ensure their survival. Our honey is preserved in its raw, crystallized form so we can preserve the essence of nature's sweetness.

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