Our farm grown and naturally cured black garlic is regular garlic put through a heat curing process. The garlic is kept at a specific temperature and humidity until the Maillard reaction naturally converts the amino acids and sugars. This process takes around 3 weeks and results in a unique culinary treat. Our Black Garlic tastes like sweet, slightly chewy garlic (think sweet, balsalmic garlic). Black garlic is loaded with antioxidants and minerals. It is easy to digest and doesn't leave garlic breath. Some of the health benefits include: -Lowers blood pressure and inflammation -Regulates blood sugar -Has been shown to kill cancer cells (in studies completed by the International Journal of Preventive Medicine and in vitro studies published in the Journal of Nutrition and Research Practice.) -Boosts heart health, immune function, and brain cognitive health. -Is lower in carbs and higher in antioxidants than fresh garlic. To enjoy: Peel and eat. Stores for at least 1 month at room temperature, can be peeled and stored in airtight container in fridge for 6 months or longer. Goes great as a topping for various dishes, mixed into a salad dressing, aioli, and sauces. We love to peel it, smash it with a fork and drizzle Olive Oil and Balsalmic Vinegar on it for a tasty bread dip or salad dressing. Also goes great sliced on top of pizza or mixed into a veggie/beef burger.